Management & Reports

Maintain Managerial Oversight of All Equipment Assets

The Preventative Maintenance Program provides system administrators and agency management staff control over all of their agency's equipment assets. The system administrator can manage equipment in multiple facilities and locations. This complete access provides a global view of the entire maintenance process through out the agency.

User Defined Reports

The system administrator can use the robust reporting capability of the Preventative Maintenance Program to compile comprehensive informative reports on all maintenance processes.

The administrator can view the location of equipment, the type of service it will receive, when the service was last performed, who performed the service, when it will receive it's next service and service charges associated with the service.

The system administrator can also choose to view reports on a single piece of equipment, all equipment of a specific type, equipment with in a department or all equipment agency wide.

The System Administrator can use the interface illustrated above to compile maintenance reports for agency equipment.

Reports are easily exported into many useful formats such as; Excel, XML, and Text Files.